Register this...
Of course there are those of you that would say "if the gun registry saves one life it's worth it". To this I have two things to say, first I'll quote the article:
In Canada, handguns have been strictly registered since 1934, sixty-one years
later in 1995 the Department of Justice admitted that they could not identify a
single instance where the handgun registry had ever “helped” solve a crime.
I have no idea if the Justice Department would say the same thing now that the issue has become so politicized, nor if other involved agencies, like say the RCMP, would have said the same thing even then, so I leave that quote out there for you to bash around.
Secondly, and these are my words, not from the report, is saving one life really worth everything? If so, why aren't you sending yourself and all of your money to Indonesia to help rescue mudslide victims? Or, closer to home, giving all of your money to prevent death by sheltering and feeding the homeless or propping up our weakened healthcare system? This is a specious argument used to play the emotion card when evidence and facts don't back up the argument. It should not be taken seriously.
My sympathies go out to those that have lost loved ones to guns and to those in Mirimichi that might lose their jobs with the gun registration program, but it doesn't work, and really can't. There are better ways to counter gun violence - more cops, better education, better economic opportunities are three that come to mind immediately.