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There, there, who's my little press?

I noticed an interesting slip in this morning's National Post editorial. The editorial, which you can read here, is about the increasing power centralization in the PMO under Harper. I would like to make a quick comment on the first paragraph, however:

The brouhaha surrounding Stephen Harper's handling of the media seems to be winding down. That is good news: Few people outside the parliamentary press gallery care where the PM answers questions or in what order journalists are permitted to ask them. But that fake controversy has obscured a real one...

Get that everyone - few people outside the parliamentary press gallery care where the PM answers questions! As if that is all that is at stake in moving the press scrum area is the lighting, not that the new location can be easily avoided by those that don't want to answer questions. Not to mention holding secret Cabinet meetings at which reporters don't even get the opportunity to ask questions. Wouldn't want anyone inadvertantly discovering things, would we now?

So the National Post stakes its territory - it has pissed on the corners of the PMO armchair and snuggled in for a couple of years of nipping and yipping.

There's an odd illogic, here. If few people care what the PM says to the point that he doesn't need to speak to the media and the media don't need to hear him, then...what is the point of purchasing media products, like...oh, I don't know...newspapers?

Oh, that's right. If forgot...no one actually purchases the National Post.

As a wise ass once said: a person uses a news source like a drunk a lamp-post - more for support than for illumination. "Things are good, things are good - look the National Post says things are good! Things are good, things are good."

Stephen Colbert's assassination of the media the other day (click on the puppy if you haven't seen it) is indicative of this.

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