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Here's one for the ladies...

With Dan posting pictures of babes and writing on about virgins and whatnot, and since we seem to be in image-mode here tonight, I figured it was time to put out a post for the ladies.

I personally don't put a whole lot of credibility on celebrity politics - they're just untutored morons like me whent it comes to that, but they do help to sell ideas, good and bad.

So we've had Faith Hill and Tim McGraw, and now it's George Clooney's turn. I don't suppose too many people had any doubts about his politics, but just in case:

Bottom line: it's not merely our right to question our government, it's our duty. Whatever the consequences. We can't demand freedom of speech then turn around and say, But please don't say bad things about us. You gotta be a grown up and take your hits.

I am a liberal. Fire away.
Thank you, Mr. Clooney, and now back to our regular programming, which hopefully includes examples of Stephen Harper learning this very lesson. Oh, and let's not leave Peter Mackay and his "don't question the troops" bullshit out of the lesson. Peter, grow up, you are an embarrassment to the Maritimes.

Hear, hear, well spoken Bruce.
I wonder if Khofi Annan gives Bono suggestions on how he should write songs.
Just wondering, since everyone's opinion on everything, particularly if it comes from a celebrity who has moral authority to spare, is completely and unquestionably valid. If I don't care what my plumber thinks about African debt, why should I care what someone in a different line of work thinks?

Not meaning to attack George Clooney, and I'm sure he's a really nice man (although I've never been able to get past the fact that he got his start on The Facts of Life, and I still harbour deep, lasting, abiding resentment over Batman and Robin), but I have to agree with Matt Yglesias at TPMCafe on this point - considering that one of the most effective strategies the Republicans have used against the Dems is that they represent a 'liberal elite' that is out of touch with 'The Common Man' - is it really helpful to have a spokesman who was photographed last Oscar Sunday on the Red Carpet in a $10,000 Armani Suit? After all, you don't see any corporate CEO's standing next to a Republican saying what a great job the Necros are doing for their interests. Certainly Mr Clooney is entitled to his opinion, and has a right to voice it - but I really rank this alongside the Stephen Harper Afghanistan visit - it's nice, it's a good photo op, but really, George would have served the cause better had he just cut a check.

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