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Michelle Malkin's take on DP World

Malkin's recent post on this topic encapsulates well the "racist" foolishness surrounding this whole debate while at the same time utterly missing the point. (She's so often like that I wonder why I click on the link. Must be a latent masochism showing itself.) She correctly decries the use of labelling those that are against the sale Islamophobes, but then sums up her argument against the sale with the ever-thorough "we're at war, dummy". Exactly how this sale hurts the "war effort" blows right on by her and I guess is to be left to the reader to figure out.

Naturally, she misses the point that the problem here is not in outsourcing the management of the ports to a foreign company, but that port security goes with it because the US government has done next to nothing to increase its own ability to guard the ports and coastal waters.

For a more thoughtful article on the topic, try this one. Money quote:
Republicans and conservatives would be aghast at the idea of our government owning a company that operated at so many of our ports. That would be -- just imagine! -- socialism. But Dubai Ports World is, well, a socialist operation, a state-owned company in the United Arab Emirates. Why is it bad for the federal government to own our port operations, but OK for a foreign government?

Honestly Kev, why does Malkin's statement surprise you? - this is the same woman, I'll remind you, who still maintains that the Japanese Interment of WWII was a Good Idea.

Oh Dan, it doesn't really. I really do wonder why I read her blog. It might just be that cute assymetrical smile of hers or something.


Oh, I didn't say there was anything wrong with reading Malkin, just not to be surprised when she comes up with this 'Racist? Moi?' crap. To tell the truth, I thinking reading her is useful. Years ago, when my friends and I would hit the Stanley Steamer Pub at 3 PM Friday afternoon for Happy Hour till 7 PM, and then transfer upstairs to the Steamer Disco for the 8-10 Happy Hour, one of the guys at our table was a fellow named Cecil, who was 'reality-challenged'. As my friend Tony said once, "Once Cec starts making sense, it's time to go home - I've had enough to drink". I regard Malkin as that sort of baseline tool - as long as you still think she's an idiot, there's still hope for you...

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