Ann, You Ignorant Slut
You know, I was going to post a lengthy vitriol-filled diatribe about Ann Coulter's latest bit of idiocy, but frankly, this guy says it better than I could:
There is an irony buried deep under the vitriol, idiocy, slander, vileness, ignorance, stupidity and simply breathtaking inanity that passes for the contribution to the public discourse of an alleged carbon-based life-form that goes by the name of Ann Coulter.Read the rest - it's so nice to see a Master Craftsman at work....
Of course, you've heard about this vile life-support system for a mane of blonde hair. She's been all over the media, spreading her poison, the vaguely human counterpart of a Gila monster, except with colder blood. It's amusing that one of her complaints about what she calls the liberal media establishment is that it gives short-shrift to morons like herself who seek airtime to inflict a toxic stew of idiocies masquerading as ideas upon an unsuspecting public.
So you say, but It seems to me that responding to her, and responding at such length, gives her standing she has not earned. And what's with all the name-calling and animal similes? Mirroring her tactics is a self-inflicted defeat. To borrow a phrase from a right-wing blogger, 'never mud-wrestle with a pig. You won't win and the pig enjoys it.'
Posted by
Anonymous |
Fri Jun 23, 04:35:00 AM
I agree and disagree. It is certainly not profitable to sink to her level of diatribe. The media's reaction to her slander against the 911 widows played right into her hands and only served to boost sales. If they had simply said "there is another Ann Coulter book out and she's just as foolish as before" and left it at that they might have been better off. Or better still, just ignore her altogether. The latter is my preferred option.
That said, it is important to refute her substantive claims - "liberals hate God", "there is no proof of evolution", and such, because otherwise these things are left unanswered as if they had some merit.
I love the pig metaphor, by the way!
Posted by
kevvyd |
Fri Jun 23, 08:59:00 AM
There's something to what you say, Joan, but keep in mind that the reporter in question covered the Dover trial in question, and is probably understandably miffed at how poorly Coulter misrepresented the judge's decision.
Unfortunately, Kev, as long as there's Fox News, Ann Coulter, and those like her will never lack for a forum...
Posted by
Dan |
Fri Jun 23, 09:31:00 AM