Cape Breton Independence?
I couldn't help but notice that the inaugural meeting of the newest Cape Breton independence group brought in about a dozen adherents last night. Might I suggest that the next meeting be held on the mainland? You'll get a better turnout.
Sorry Flash.
Sorry Flash.
Maybe they should have held the meeting at Smooth Herman's
Posted by
Dan |
Fri Jan 12, 12:11:00 AM
If this is the best anyone can muster to deal with CB's woes, they deserve to be ignored. Having grown up there, I'm the first to admit that the problems on the island are always someone else's fault - the culture of 'mainland blaming' is entrenched. This idiocy just indicates that they've run out of ideas. Does anyone seriously think they'll be better off running things themselves?
Dan: At least they could enlist the members of the Cougar Club to their cause.
Posted by
Flash |
Fri Jan 12, 11:43:00 AM
What do they call male cougars? I ask because I was there in the fall for a few beers and that's what the place was full of.
Posted by
kevvyd |
Fri Jan 12, 01:07:00 PM
Males don't get to be called fancy euphenisms like 'cougar' - they just get to be called 'dirty old men'
Posted by
Dan |
Fri Jan 12, 04:58:00 PM
It seems that those 12 have grown into 50 in less than 2 weeks with an organization & executive that have submitted a petition to parliament declaring provincial independence from Nova Scotia on the grounds that the annexation of 1820 was illegal as it was the result of the Queen trying to circumvent a court decision that confirmed it was illegal for the Queen to tax rum in Cape Breton, just as the locals in New England told the foreign monarch to leave their tea alone. In Cape Breton's case the Queen after losing the appeal said well this is the UK and we have the imperial power to what evwer we like despite local justice, so we'll get the loyal british regime in Halifax to collect the taxes from those Cape Bretoners and Halifax has been doing just that ever since. And, Halifax does a very good job of it too.
It also seems that the CBI Provincehood Campaign dates back to 200 when there were meetings of a few hundred which were quelled when studies were commissioned and subsequently released in 2003 and then consultations across the island occur during 2004 and 2005, with CBRM commencing a law suit in 2206 based on proven tax gouching by Halifax.
Now it appears further tax based litigation is also being considered against Nova Scotia dating back to 1820 illegalities premised on the Lessers & Ritchie vs. Crown the case.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wed Jan 24, 07:52:00 AM