Turd sandwich or giant douche?
In the four years since the (UN) inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001.
It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security.
Now this much is undisputed. The open questions are: what should we do about it? How, when, and with whom?
And who do we owe these words of wisdom to? George W? Nope. Colin Powell? Nope. They come from the Democratic leadership candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.
And here's me thinking democracy was about selecting from options.
You have options - Republican, or Republican Lite...
Posted by
Dan |
Mon Jan 22, 02:03:00 PM
Posted by
Flash |
Mon Jan 22, 03:04:00 PM
I have to agree with Flash. But, isn't this deja vu? I thought we did this one already.... Kev, Kev, Kev.... The vast majority of our political leaders (here in the Euro-American western world, at least)come from the priviledged elite; and those that aren't are aspirants to that elite. You didn't actually think it was all about choices for the rest of us - the great huddled and unwashed masses? Did you? Its all about the status quo. The illusion of democracy keeps the herd from getting ansty, stampeding and trampling the blowflies and leeches that are busy sucking our life's blood. (please note: dripping sarcasm and patronizing tone for humourous purposes only. I know you are actually in touch, hell surgically fused, to your inner cynic Kevvy.) ;o)
Posted by
graven |
Mon Jan 22, 04:48:00 PM
Interesting selection, NDIP. I would suggest that in that lot there are very few "progressives", however. Unless, of course, you're using the word in the same way they use it in the US -> progressive == Democrat.
There is very little progressive in the Democratic lot as far as I can see. As briguy has pointed out elsewhere, the only true progressive at the top end, Dennis Kucinich, is too short to be president. Weird and sad, but probably true.
For what it's worth, what saddens and angers me most about the cluster of "leaders" coming to the fore in the Democratic party is not that they said stuff like NDIP and I point out, but that they hide from the statements, or write them off as "mistakes" and then advocate a continuation of the same debacle in Iraq. Surely these fools have learned no lessons until they stop following Bush's "surge" and use whatever weapons they have available to bring the war to an end.
Yes, stop funding the goddamned war. Saying "oops, I made a mistake" means nothing if you don't have the balls to correct it, too.
Posted by
kevvyd |
Mon Jan 22, 05:30:00 PM
Whooee! I reckon it's like sum folks say -- the Merkan Democrats is 'bout as pergressive as the Canajun Conservatives. Harpoon was all fer war an' bad-mouthin' his own country fer stayin' outta the Merkans' idiocy.
Things change an' that can make smart fellers an' gals change their minds instead o' stayin' the course. Anybuddy The messes in EyeRack an' Afstan is on accounta the Merkans took their eye off the ball when they started lookin' at Saddam.
They're about t' take their stoopid eye offa the ball again with Iran. They play up the threat these tinpot numbnuts sabre-rattlers pose jest so's the Merkan publick can run 'round willy-nilly in fear an' not notice their country turnin' inta a dictatorship o' Bushes an' Clintons.
Posted by
JimBobby |
Mon Jan 22, 06:12:00 PM