Happy Mother's Day
The Canadian military has some dedicated people! Cpl. Karri Allison, a military medic and single mom, is currently doing a six-month tour of duty in Kandahar, leaving her four-year old son in the care of her mother, who left her job to move to Greenwood to look after him during her posting. There is no indication in the article that at any point did she ask for and was denied compassionate leave to not go with her unit, so I have to assume that she did not; this is simply a case of someone who "signed on the dotted line" and went to serve without question. As she says
I am honoured and thankful, and really, really hope that such sacrifice is worth it. (Though as you may have read in these parts, I have my doubts.)
Thanks to Paul for pointing out this article.
When I joined, I signed on the dotted line like everybody else. I am a mom, but I’m also a soldier. What makes me any more important than somebody’s father?Indeed, but importance is relative. I would hazard to guess that there are relatively few single fathers in the military leaving behind children.
I am honoured and thankful, and really, really hope that such sacrifice is worth it. (Though as you may have read in these parts, I have my doubts.)
Thanks to Paul for pointing out this article.
Paul just for you information in your comments about a single mom at war in Kandahar, her son will not be an orphan, Alexei does have a loving father that left the military a year ago so is son could have one parent who at least would be able to give him a stable home in a loving environnement. So I wish the reporters would have there facts right before writing an article.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Mon Oct 16, 12:46:00 PM
I would like to respond to anonymous,pls get your facts straight,Alexei is looked after by loving grandparents,they will look after him if anything was to happen to his very brave and courages mother,his father did not leave the military for Alexei,he left because he could not handle being in the Forces nor did he have the pride and support of a family in his chose of career in the military as does Cpl.Allison. Cpl.Karri Allison has been the sole provider,emotionally and financially to this precious little boy for 3yrs,she has sole custody, she and she alone will enstill good morales and a social conscious, so this little boy will grow up to be a far better man.
Cpl.Allison went to Afghanistan because she believes in the mission,she looks at the big picture,she wants to ensure a save,and free country for her child in Canada and for the children in Afghanistan,to the others who have commented it is 2006 quess what women have had the vote for sometime.I can never understand people who use anonymos,I can only guess either they are cowards or they are lying I am niether.Damn Proud Military Mom of Cpl.Allison.Heather Allison
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sat Dec 30, 11:49:00 PM